Awareness, Educate, Protect:
The Digital Path to Combating Cyberbullying
and Promoting Online Wellbeing

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A safe space for teenagers and parents to talk freely about their experience with bullies. Share your thoughts, seek advice, find support. You are not alone in this.


Downloadable Reports

Uncover insights, strategies, and real-world stories that shed light on this complex issue. Empower yourself with the tools to understand, prevent, and address cyberbullying effectively. Whether you're a teenager navigating the digital landscape or a parent looking to guide your child through these challenges.



Dive into our extensive collection of articles, tips, and expert advice aimed at equipping you with the tools to combat cyberbullying.


The Cyberbullying Awareness Quiz! Your mission is to learn about and protect yourself from cyberbullying. Answer questions and solve riddles to earn points. At the end, your score will provide feedback on your learning.


Join our Community!

A safe space for teenagers and parents to talk freely about their experience with bullies. Share your thoughts, seek advice, find support. You are not alone in this.

Understanding and Combating Digital Harassment

The cruelty of harassment, ridicule, and bullying, is also extended online. Cyberbullying thrives on social media platforms, lurking after networking events, and even infiltrating online dating profiles. Learn more about cyberbullying and what you can do about it.



Let's Learn

Let’s Learn is an European Erasmus+ project developed by Social Academy in collaboration with its european partners. The project aims to support cyberbullying’s victims to share their experiences, their problems and seek help to resolve this enormous problem.


Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily uropean Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European or EACEA can be held responsible for them.”



your NGO


projects and associations on cyberbullying

Spain - EU DisinfoLab

In November, 2020, the Spanish Government formed a committee to combat disinformation and the “deliberate, large-scale and systematic dissemination of false messages” that “seek to influence society for self-serving and spurious purposes

Bullying and Cyberbullying in Spain and Poland, and Their Relation to Social, Emotional and Moral Competencies

The objective of this study was to describe and compare the involvement in different bullying and cyberbullying roles in Spain and Poland

Las cifras del acoso escolar: tres casos al día en València

In this last report it ́s presented the last data fromRegistro Central de Incidencias, correspondientes al curso 2016-2017.


Events that provide open discussions, expert insights, and practical strategies to tackle bullies and prevent cyberbullying. For teenagers, it's a chance to learn about digital resilience, assertive communication, and self-care techniques that build confidence in the face of adversity. Parents, on the other hand, will gain valuable tools to support their children, understand the evolving online landscape, and foster a safe digital environment.




Sat, Sep 9, 2023 4:00 PM CEST


Social Media and Digital Marketing Surgery


Thu, Sep 7, 2023 10:30 AM CEST


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Thu, Sep 21, 2023 7:30 PM CEST




Dealing with Haters and Building Digital Strength

We all know that the online world can be a pretty amazing place, but let's be real – it's not all sunshine and rainbows. Sometimes, we stumble upon some not-so-friendly folks who seem to thrive on spreading negativity. But fear not, because we're diving into this topic headfirst to help you handle those online haters like a pro. So, grab your virtual backpack and join us on this adventure as we learn how to stand tall, stay positive, and cultivate some serious digital resilience. Let's roll!


Guiding Young Hearts: Tips for Parents of Cyberbullies

In the ever-evolving landscape of the digital age, where connections span across screens and social platforms, a pressing concern has emerged – cyberbullying. As parents, nurturing a safe and empathetic online environment for our children is paramount. But what if we find ourselves on the other side of the screen, realizing that our child might be engaging in cyberbullying? This article seeks to offer guidance for parents in this complex scenario.

Join us Volunteer

Ready to make a positive impact? Join our volunteer program to fight cyberbullying. Together, we can create change, inspire others, and make a difference. Join us today. You will get in touch with our Volunteer Leader.